Recommended Apps

Best App for iPhone, iPad and Mac

  • BIble App - Logos BIble Study

    iPhone | iPad | Mac | Web

    I have used Logos Bible Software for years and the iPhone and iPad apps are vey respectable options for mobile use.

  • Calendar App - Fantastical

    iPhone | iPad | Mac

    This is easily my favorite calendar app and one of the most fully featured calendar apps available

  • Email App - Spark Email

    iPhone | iPad | Mac

    I have used Spark Email for years. I tried out some other app including Apple Mail, but nothing has worked quite the same for me as Spark Email.

  • Task Manager - Things

    iPhone | iPad | Mac

    There are a lot of great task managers, but love the simplicity of Things.

  • Writing - Notion

    iPhone | iPad | Mac | Web

    I love this app for writing. It is so deep and versatile.

  • Photography App - Halide Mark II - Pro Camera


    There are a lot of great photography apps in the App Store, but I have used Halide since it came out. I like it and I pair it with the ShiftCam Pro to take great pictures.

  • Video App - Blackmagic Camera


    I mostly use th stock camera app, but when I want something more I use the Blackmagic Camera App.

  • Video Editing - Finalcut Pro

    Mac | iPad

  • Audio Editing - Adobe Audition


    This app hasben my go to for all audio editing.

  • Audio Editing - Ferrite

    iPhone | iPad

    When I need to edit on the iPhone or iPad this is the bet app for the purpose.

  • Music App - Apple Music

    iPhone | iPad | Mac | Web

    Apple Music is great, nd it is has music.

  • Podcast App - Pocket Casts

    iPhone | iPad | Mac

    Like so many of these catagories there are a lot of podcast apps available and as a past user of Overcast it has some really great options. I like Pocket Casts the best. It has the features I want and a price I can live with.

  • Audio Recording - Audio Hijack


  • Sound Source


  • Reading App - Kindle

    iPhone | iPad | Mac

    I just prefer the Kindle app for reading. Paired with Audible I can listen and read along in the app. I really wish that feature was available on Kindle hardware.

  • Audiobooks App - Audible

    iPhone | iPad | Mac (Apple Silicon)

    Hands down the best app for listening to audiobooks.

  • Sports App - Sports Alerts

    iPhone | iPad

    I use a few apps for tracking sports. The MLB App, the NHL App, the NFL App, but none of them have great notifications and live actiities. Spots Alerts, althoughkid f an ugly app but provides great notfictions and live activities.

  • Weather App - Carrot Weather

    iPhone | iPad | Mac (sort of)

    This is by far the best wether app in the App Store, not to mention that it is entertaining.

  • Spotlight Replacement - Launchbar
